The Academy of Science and Letters of Pontians founded in 2020, is a non-governmental, nationwide body which embraces all fields of science. Its main purpose is to support the advancement of science and scholarship in Greece. The Academy of Science and Letters of Pontians founded in 2020, is a non-governmental, nationwide body which embraces all fielThe Academy of Science and Letters of Pontians founded in 2020, is a non-governmental, nationwide body which embraces all fiel
Members of the Academy are Greeks with roots from Pontos but there are also foreign members.
The members are divided into three sections
The general scope of the Academy is the cultivation and advancement of the Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, along with the communication of the Foundation and its Members with other Academies and fellow Academicians. In fulfillment of its objective the Academy conducts scientific research projects and studies in the areas of agriculture, industry, shipping, national economy.
Furthermore it issues consultations, proposals, it adopts decisions and judgments for the instruction and guidance of the bodies and authorities of the state. The Academy acts as a national contact body both within and between the individual scientific disciplines.
The Academy aims to fulfill its mission by initiating and supporting research, organizing meetings and international conferences, publishing scientific writings and appointing representatives to national and international bodies.
Each year, the Academy organizes open meetings with topics covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Presidium 2020
President: Elena V.M. Papadopoulou (Dipl. Mechanical Engineer of NTUA, PhD in BA of WIU)
Vice President: Athanasios Petridis (Dipl. Mechanical Engineer of NTUA, PhD in Engineering of NTUA)
Secretary General: Haralampos Partsalidis (Dental Surgeon)
Secretary Proceedings Publications: Anastasios Sidiropoulos(Business Economics Consultant)